passive suicide
JoinedTopics Started by passive suicide
OK, so let's test the science advocates out here.............
by NotaNess ini'll start it off, then someone else give them a different challenge if you can think of any.. please give definitive examples that by evolution, a species has changed into something else.
give two separate findings by scientists, and it can't include any comments like "so we believe", "so we conclude that", or "the evidence shows that there could have been".....the wts has those copyrighted.. try and give un-doctored photographic proof, where possible, etc.
by the way the hominid skulls and the like will not be accepted, transition has never been proven, i don't think, just that they are different, and scientists "believe", they are pre-homo-sapiens.. i'm not saying you won't have examples, we just want you to walk the talk.
Throwing Good Music Away
by choosing life ini went to a used cd store tonight.
i was like a kid in a candy store.
they had a lot of the old records that i threw away because of a cult, now on cd.
The Great Tribulation is picking up speed!!!!!!!!!!!!
by unbaptized inthe tribulation is really starting to speed up it's pace.
i just read that atleast 3 types of animal and plant life go extinct every hour.
global warming threatens the entire planet, crimes against women and children are at a all time high, honeybees dying off for unexplained reasons, the threat of nuclear war, the ravage of infectious disease.
Are you still close to any of your Witness friends, who are still active?
by passive suicide inafter awhile i feel like they're lost........i don't even know what ta talk about.
i'm an equal opportunity judgemental a-hole.
Does Being A Jehovahs Witness Lead To Disorders?
by The wanderer in<!-- .style1 { font-size: 18px; font-family: arial; } .style3 { font-family: arial; font-size: 16px; } .style4 { font-size: 12px; font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif; } .style5 {color: #ff0000} .style6 {font-size: 12px; font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-style: italic; } --> does being a jehovahs witness lead to disorders?the life of being one of jehovahs witnesses was a challenging one at best .
and an agonizing one at worst.
i recall the days of my black depression .
by testigay inwhat are the new publications released at the district conventions this year?
What can I possibly do..........
by passive suicide ini am at a loss.
i've finally realized what my heart has been questioning for many years...'the truth', quite possibly/ not.
meanwhile..........i have a wife, and child........both of which are firmly in the grasp of my former beliefs.
A question for all Whisky drinkers.
by lfcviking inhello chumz on the board.
nothing really to do with jwism but who prefers the american 'bourbon' type such as 'wild turkey', 'jim beam' etc or who prefers a fine single malt scotch such as 'glenfiddich' or 'glenmorangie'?
i am not trying to stir up nationalism with this question but am just genuinely curious.. lfcv.
JWs & "Creature Worship" -- Is I...
by BitterTruth injehovah's witnesses, creature worship and active practicers of idolatry.
jehovah's witnesses have long practiced idolatry and various forms of "creature worship," now for many years.
although the wts teaches and has stated many times in their publications that the world in general, by way of such things as "birthday" celebrations, christmas, and other annual events, actually eulogize and extol great glory upon man, the individual himself, and thus, by way of whats known as "creature worship," practice wholesale idolatry!.